Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Week4-4dq4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week4-4dq4 - Essay Example There are different schools of thought on the subject. Some people feel that Open Source is actually much more dependable than conventional software, in that with more developers involved in it, there is a better chance for more perfect software. However, Gacek (2004) reports that is a fallacy and stereotype in of itself. In addition, she argues that another perceived problem is most Open Source is conceived by some hacker and it was usually mostly available for generally unpopular platforms such as Linux. The truth is, even at the time of her writing, only six years after Open Source came to be, many businesses actually employ software people to develop OS code. Moreover, since the paper, Windows based OS has overtaken Linux. One would probably say Microsoft has a vested interest in keeping Open Source off the software market. So it was interesting that one of the company’s chief engineers gave an interview with the BBC in 2006 (Marson), in which he stated that although OS has its place in society, most people consider the products substandard as compared to commercial software such as his company’s products. One of the most popular and prolific OS products today is Mozilla’s Firefox browser, a direct competitor to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, with Google’s Chrome. In a side by side comparison of the two (Smith 2011), Firefox won handily in Appearance, Interface and Add ons. For the other categories, such as reliability, performance and industry standard IE and Firefox tied. IE did not win in any category. Therefore, it appears that the engineer’s remarks are wrong and today OS can be as dependable as commercial. As with any other venture, software projects have myriad of risks associated with them. Done right and the project team will be the darling of the company. However, if they fail, not only is it embarrassing but said failure could very well result in career loss. So for the purposes of

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Communication Approach To Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 16

Communication Approach To Music - Essay Example Additionally, songs are also used as the alternative mean of communication for children who do not respond adequately to traditional treatment approaches. Physiotherapist throughout the world uses music or songs to do therapies and believe that it’s a way of relaxing the mind and body of human being. Not only human beings but birds also use songs as a tool of communication. Oliver Wendell Holmes says, â€Å"Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons.   You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body†. Well apart from bath it has become an effective tool of communication in fact some researchers believe that in early stages of human life music was used more as a tool of communication rather than for enjoyment purpose or pleasure so we can say that early forms of human language were actually developed through music but now it is also fulfilling many functions in different cultures. An important social role that music is playing is in favor of marketers as it helps them in form of jingles to sell their products. Repetition of these jingles on mass media makes them memorable ever after. One of the most memorable jingles was the one aired in mid-seventies and the strange thing about it was that it was an ad of venereal disease but its lyrics were very interesting like: If you want to know about a culture that is very unfamiliar to you will think first about getting hold of its art and music. From whistling of birds to bells of the church, from national anthems to songs of an emotional love story, music is used to convey emotions. In Greek culture, music is used to educate people and boys are taught music at the age of six whereas Indian Classical music is one of the oldest musical customs in the history of the world.